Am I safe staying at Sandpiper Guest House Brighton?
Rest assured we are ‘Covid Secure’ and have obtained the government approved certificates after the necessary training.
Being a family run business has made it very straightforward and trouble-free in being able to control the possible spread of infection and keeping to the high standards of hygiene.
We are all trained in PPE. All bedding will be washed at no less than 60 Degrees Celsius and all furniture in rooms will be cleaned to high standards and disinfected before your arrival. We also provide cleaning stations across the whole building for you to use 24/7.

What can I do to help?
Please help to work against these unprecedented times together by practising social distancing and hygiene. We have provided for the use of hand sanitiser on arrival in the lobby.
As a part of the government guidelines and to keep everyone safe, we are unable to change your bedding during your stay. If you are with us for more than 3 days, we will give you clean bedding on the 3rd day for you to replace at your own leisure. Just simply leave the old bedding outside your door when you are done and we will collect it.
This gives you the confidence and security that only you have touched the bedding and placed it onto your beds.